This year we are putting an emphasis on fundraising. Scouts must sell at least $600 of product over our fundraisers to be eligible for subsidized activities throughout the year. Scouts will be able to earn rewards for sales of Wreaths and Popcorn. We have organized show-and-sell events for the Scouts to participate. Scouts can also take orders via the order form. We'll have the following rewards for the Scouts to earn.
ScoutBucks - A percentage of all sales go back to Scout accounts
2024 Popcorn Program
Pack 31 is excited for a "kernel popping" fundraising year! Below you will find all the tools you will need to have a successful sale. If you have any questions you can reach our Cubmaster Andrew Pye.
As you probably know, we sell popcorn at the beginning of the year to raise funds allowing us to give back to the Pack all year long. Popcorn sales will be one of our main fundraising effort. Please support your Scout and help him achieve their sales goals. This year is more important than ever as dues have increased and we are trying to keep the cost to families to a minimum.
Benefits to Your Scout and Family:
Teaches Scouts the value & process of setting and working toward goals
Gives Scouts a strong sense of accomplishment through recognition
Enhances communication, leadership skills and confidence in your Scout
Scouts can earn valuable rewards including gift cards and prizes
Scouts can earn Scout Bucks that can pay for all of their activities this year. Some examples include Rock Climbing, Overnights at the Museum of Science, Family Camping, Adventure Day Camp, Webelos Overnight Week, and the Six Flags Camporee!
What popcorn is available this year?
Ways to Sell:
Take Orders
The Scout with their Akela goes door to door with order forms.
The customer orders and the scout collects payment. Checks can be made out to Pack 31 Marlborough
Popcorn is delivered by the Scout.
Show and Sells:
Sign up for shifts by emailing or texting Andrew Pye
See the signup sheet above.
Prizes and Rewards:
The Fall Popcorn Sale offers a myriad of prizes for our Scouts to earn. Show-n-Sell, Take Order and Online Sales can count toward many of the prize incentive programs. The different prize programs include:
Pack 31 Sales Prizes
Our pack will be awarding prizes for the Top Sellers.
Mayflower Council Sales Clubs
As described in the popcorn order flier.
Fundraising Uses:
Our fundraising effort helps to make Scouting a great experience for our sons, siblings and parents. Here is a just a small sampling of the pack activities supported by your fund raising efforts and participation:
Special Overnights
Fall, Winter and Spring pack overnight camping
Pack T-shirt
Pack meeting refreshments
Pinewood derby kits, trophies
Scout patches, badges and recognition awards
2024 Wreath Selling
Pack 31 is excited to try selling wreaths this year. Scouts will be able to sell to family and friends via traditional order form. Scouts will deliver the merchandise to customers after it is delivered to Cubmaster Andrew's house. If you have not received an order form, please email.
Key Dates: Order forms distributed Sept 23
Order's Due - October 28 at Pack Meeting
Merchandise Delivery - Around Thanksgiving (precise date TBD)